Protesting NYPD Brutality

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Some basics:

  • You have a right to protest!
    • You do not need a permit to march on the sidewalk.
    • You have a right to hold signs and hand out flyers.
  • Protect your digital security.
    • Do not consent to a search of your devices.
    • Disable face or fingerprint unlock on your devices and do not unlock your device for police.
  • You have a right to record the police as long as you do not interfere with their lawful duties.
  • Officers are required to tell you their name, rank, command and the reason you are being stopped.
  • If you are arrested, ask for a lawyer IMMEDIATELY then state that you are exercising your right to remain silent.

Need more information? Find it here at The Legal Aid Society.

If you are involved in a protest and you are arrested or experience police misconduct, contact JLJLAW for guidance regarding criminal court charges or potential civil court claims.